itulah salah satu dari segudang tumpukan prestasi yang ada di SMAN 1 kepahiang.
inilah sekolahku, sekolah yang sangat saya banggakan dan tak terlupakan.
I am kori arifin, Usuly called kori. I am seventeenth years old. I born 7th may 1991 in Bukit sari, Kabawean. I live in Mekar Sari, small vilge in Kabawetan city. Since child, I live , school and play with friend in this village . and after senior hight school, I school in Kepahiang it is senior hig school number 1 Kepahiang or SMA N 1 KEPAHIANG.
Now, I am twelve class and I can daty from Mem Ria, for make a magazine abaut dear diary in senior hight school.
The beginning I come in this senior hight school, in Tuesday, 12 july 2006 I came in SMA N 1 Kepahiang senior hight school in kepahiang . I come to SMA N 1 Kepahiang To be member of SMA. When it no Some one that know 1 try for ac quain tance to student sma 1 kepahyang. But ilike in here, because the student very good. Apparent, I never expeck that I want acceptance in this senior hight school, and I now than the member of SMA 1 Kepahiang.
When I senior hight school , number 1 kepahiang, I get in class ten tird (X3).i one class with Rezi Boys, herry, Candra, Khairul, Eki, Eko, efry, Paisal, Daniel, Giant, and Nandhi. Friend which before I don’t know. But, after long time in this class, finally I know and frienly with they are to now.