Mengenai Saya

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Aku tidak lain hanyalah seseorang yang ingin sukses seperti keinginan orang pada umumnya. walau mungkin sulit menggapai keinginanku tersebut. aku akan selalu berusaha dan terus berusaha. itulah aku............!

my time

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

When I Came to Senior High School Number 1 Kepahiang

I am kori arifin, Usuly called kori. I am seventeenth years old. I born 7th may 1991 in Bukit sari, Kabawean. I live in Mekar Sari, small vilge in Kabawetan city. Since child, I live , school and play with friend in this village . and after senior hight school, I school in Kepahiang it is senior hig school number 1 Kepahiang or SMA N 1 KEPAHIANG.

Now, I am twelve class and I can daty from Mem Ria, for make a magazine abaut dear diary in senior hight school.

The beginning I come in this senior hight school, in Tuesday, 12 july 2006 I came in SMA N 1 Kepahiang senior hight school in kepahiang . I come to SMA N 1 Kepahiang To be member of SMA. When it no Some one that know 1 try for ac quain tance to student sma 1 kepahyang. But ilike in here, because the student very good. Apparent, I never expeck that I want acceptance in this senior hight school, and I now than the member of SMA 1 Kepahiang.

When I senior hight school , number 1 kepahiang, I get in class ten tird (X3).i one class with Rezi Boys, herry, Candra, Khairul, Eki, Eko, efry, Paisal, Daniel, Giant, and Nandhi. Friend which before I don’t know. But, after long time in this class, finally I know and frienly with they are to now.

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